-#1 Impact with the ground
from a discussion here: https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/ques ... o-be-fatalThe median [free-fall] height leading to death is about 49 feet (15 meters), or about 4 to 5 storeys. 100% of victims die after falling 85 feet (25 meters), or about 8 storeys.
of course it's not that simple when you have a wing overhead, but its good to know that if you free-fall from below 49 feet, you will likely survive.
-#2 lack of oxygen
-#3 impact with object other than ground
-#4 prop strike
Now you might think drowning would make the list, but drowning happens on the ground...and technically after the paramotoring is done. But it is certainly related. And just as you would avoid being in water below your head as a land dweller, when you make that transition from sky walker to land dweller, you should also naturally avoid it. but of course that is not possible in a motor out, so wear flotation if you are flying over water.